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400 depressed students got counselling services from  JnU Counselling centre.  - Daily Bangladesh Diary
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400 depressed students got counselling services from  JnU Counselling centre. 

  • Update Time : Thursday, September 22, 2022
  • 321 Time View

Masum Billah (JNU) : Jagannath University(JnU) Counseling center was established in the medical center of the university on January 3, with the aim of preventing the tendency of suicide among university students, getting rid of depression, anxiety, fear of exams.  After its establishment, 400 students of the university have taken services from this counselling center.

According to the sources of the counselling centre , it is noticed that students who received services are mostly suffer from various mental problems including anxiety, failure in love, anxiety, fear of exams, depression, and depression etc.
The convenor of the counseling center, Prof. Noor Mohammad, said, “our students are mentally disturbed after the covid pandemic. Many students even committed suicide. Our counseling center was very important to get rid of this.  This importance can also be seen if we look at the number of students who have taken services from here in the last eight months, we have already been able to provide counseling to 400 students.”
He also said that at present this counseling services is given under the supervision of the students of psychology department of the university.  Since no funds have been givem for this center yet, we are continuing this program with our own funding.  Also, deman for the recruitment of two psychologists and psychotherapists have filed. They will be appointed only after whe  the approval is given by the University Grants Commission (UGC).
Talking with two counselors who are currently providing counseling at this center, they said, “We have been providing counseling at this center for the past eight months.  Here we find various mental symptoms among the students.  Counseling them through sessions on the nature of these symptoms.  Some take one session and some take more.  Again we refer some for advanced council.”
A student named Selim who got services from the counselling centre (pseudonym) said, ” I was in such depression for about four months that sometimes i thought of suicide.  Seeing this situation, a friend of mine brought me to the counseling center.  Then the counselors here counseled me in three sessions.  Since then I have been back to normal life.  Now no depression works in me.”
Ayesha Siddika Daisy, Associate Professor of Sociology and member secretary of the counseling center, said, “We established the counseling center immediately to bring the students from the depression caused by the COVID pandemic, and from that depression they are taking decisions like suicide. At the time of establishment, the Honorable Vice-Chancellor said that we would appoint two councilors here and arrange funding for us. I hope it will be solved very soon.”
University Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr.  Imdadul Haque said, “we have bigger plans with the counseling center.  It will be implemented very soon.  We are doing all kinds of efforts.”
However, this counseling program is still being conducted without any funds from the university.

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