Junaed Ahmad Emran is a popular Nasheed artist of the present time. He has gained popularity by singing several songs written and composed by himself.
Born in Burishwar village of Nasirnagar upazila of Brahmanbaria district. Junaed Ahmad Emran is currently working on Islamic music. He was more focused on studies in his student life. In between his studies, he continued to practice music and occasionally try to compose melodies.
From his childhood he used to fascinate the listeners by singing ghazals in various Islamic programs. He used to sing Islamic music on the stage of various Islamic ceremonies. The audience enjoyed the Islamic music sung by him, Hamd and Naat.
In 2016, Islamic music called ‘Eid Miladunnabi’, written and composed by him, was first released. Which fascinates the audience.The songs he has written and composed so far are: Trivobaner Priyo Muhammad, O Haji Bhai, Medina Medina, Hridayer Kandar. Junaed Ahmad Emran has also garnered much acclaim by singing Urdu Nasheed.
Junaed Ahmad Emran said, “I am hopeful that in the future, the Muslim Ummah will abandon pornographic songs and adopt our healthy and beautiful culture.” This is my expectation that Islamic culture should spread to every human being.
Artist Junaed Ahmad Emran is now a well-known name in the Islamic cultural arena. In addition to his cultural studies, he completed his studies at two of the country’s most renowned madrasas, “Charchina Darussunnat Kamil Madrasa, Pirojpur” and Darunnajat Siddiquia Kamil Madrasa Dhaka, and is currently working on Islamic music.
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